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Swift Island is an all-inclusive experimental conference happening after Apple's WWDC 2024.

The Pitch

You know that feeling you get after WWDC ends, when all you want to do is catch up on all the videos Apple just released? That urgent need to experiment and play with all the new betas, frameworks and APIs. The overwhelming desire to spend hours on all of the above, quickly followed by the sinking realization that you can't - because you have actual work to do.

Yep, we've all been there and that feeling sucks.

Our mission is to break the cycle!

Swift Island is an experimental conference in the broadest sense. After WWDC, we invite you to join us for a hands-on experience with all of Apple’s newly announced API's and Frameworks, in sessions guided by top-notch mentors.

The Format

The format is very simple: 3 workshop days, choose from 4 sessions per day provided by 8 mentors. Everyone pair programs and has fun.

The Kicker

A conference ticket is all inclusive: You will get three days of workshops, three days of lodging in a shared cabin (private rooms) and all the food you need for breakfast, lunch and dinner during your stay. And a bike. And did we mention it’s on an island?

It's called Texel (pronounced tes-sel) and it’s one of the five Frisian Islands, located in the Wadden Sea, which is a Unesco World Heritage. In short - it's an island in the Netherlands and it's awesome.

What to expect?

Beyond the experience of being introduced to WWDC material by top-notch mentors on a frikkin' island, you’ll also enjoy:

  • Seals. Actual real life seals (the fluffy kind, not the military kind).
  • Choose from eight topics covered in workshops.

8 Mentors

50-50 Men/Women
Aviel Gross

Aviel Gross

Aviel Gross is a senior iOS engineer who currently leads the development of the Behance app at Adobe. He has been in the field since 2013 and previously worked on the Facebook app. He is known as a professional bikeshedder in SwiftUI and app performance.

Malin Sundberg

Malin Sundberg

Malin loves working on everything related to building delightful products. From designing an intuitive interface and creating app icons to developing apps and writing server-side code. Malin is also passionate about the Apple developer community, organizing online and in-person meetups. When not immersed in tech, she likes to visit snobby coffee shops and explore the local Vancouver hiking trails.

Zeyad Salloum

Zeyad Salloum

Zeyad grew up in Cairo, Egypt. He studied computer engineering before moving to Berlin to work for Zalando. After a couple of really fun years at Zalando, Zeyad moved to London to join Meta (Facebook then) where he’s still working 7 years later. For the past few years he’s been working on WhatsApp. Kickstarting the effort to bring WhatsApp to Mac using catalyst. He’s currently working on a similar effort to bring the WhatsApp app to another popular platform…

Mikaela Caron

Mikaela Caron

Mikaela Caron is an independent iOS Engineer who actively shares her expertise on social media, focusing on iOS development, building apps in public, and freelancing. She develops her own indie apps, works part-time as a freelancer, and is an organizer for iOSDevHappyHour. Mikaela loves giving back to the community.

Manu Carrasco Molina

Manu Carrasco Molina

I was there, in the room, in San Francisco, at Moscone, January 2007, when Steve said “Are you getting it?”. That moment sparked my career as an iOS developer, starting with the SDK a year later. I’ve since experienced every major Apple release: the iPad, various iPhone and iPad models, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. Vision Pro and visionOS have been as revolutionary for me as the iPhone and iOS. I've been deeply involved with this new platform since its keynote and even more so since the SDK release and my visit to Apple in Munich. I ordered Vision Pro the day it was available and will bring it to Texel — the revolution has begun.

Jolanda Arends

Jolanda Arends

Jolanda Arends is a freelance native iOS developer. With her background in Human Technology, she’s always looking for the best way to create a good user experience and customer value. In recent years she has worked for several webshops, being, Restocks (RIP 🪦) and currently Wehkamp (Retail Group). She can also frequently be found (helping) at meetups and conferences (f.e. CocoaheadsNL, Do-iOS). Key phrases that describe her work attitude: keep things simple, solid (literally and figuratively), user-friendly and of course: fun! Loves, among other things, Pizza, F1, Running/Cycling/SUP/walking the dog, fantasy books.

Paul Peelen

Paul Peelen

Paul Peelen is a Staff Engineer at PayPal, specializing in iOS development with over 15 years of experience. From the Netherlands but Based in Stockholm, Sweden, he has developed more than 30 apps and is an active co-organizer of CocoaHeads Stockholm. Paul frequently shares his expertise through detailed tutorials on his blog. A fun fact about Paul is that he created the first versions of the Swift Island app.



Swift Island Location

Prins Hendrik Texel
Stuifweg 13
1794 HA Oosterend
Email: [email protected]

Francine Boon

Francine Boon

Francine is a Sociologist, Artist, and Experience Designer specializing in making complex information accessible and practical. She uses her expertise to explore human behavior and what drives us. Over the past 4 years, she has researched how hormonal cycles affect productivity, creativity, and interactions. In her talk she takes you along the world of male and female hormonal cycles from a point of curiosity, offering practical tools to apply immediately. She addresses questions like the best times for meetings, presentations, or asking for raises, aiming to help us understand and optimize our differences.

Nizar Steiner

Nizar Steiner

By trade, Nizar is an engineer, writer, and researcher. By vocation, he is a psychologist in training, a creator and synthesizer of practical solutions to everyday problems. He has a penchant for interdisciplinary skill development in domains ranging from movement, education, and general well-being. He loves handstands.


The App

Our app provides easy access to travel details, the conference schedule, and more.

Download on the App Store

Download it by scanning the QR-code or by pressing the button above.


Sure! Please send us an email though, so we can get in touch with you.
Yes! All photographs used on this site were shot on Texel. Some of them are shot by our attendees.
Yes. The venue has bungalows and regular hotel rooms. Bungalows have 3 bedrooms, are more spacious, and have a shared kitchen and living room, while the Hotel Rooms have a private bathrooms. With your ticket you always get a private bedroom and you buy a ticket you can specify a preferred room type. While we try to accommodate everyone towards their preference, we can't guarantee you the room-type of your choice.
Sure! Once you both have booked a ticket, please send us an email and we will make sure you will be placed in a bungalow together.
No, because there are no other options for accommodation in the vicinity of the venue. Part of the atmosphere of the conference is having everyone in the same location for the duration of the conference.
No. While the topics will be inspired by what is announced at WWDC, there are no talks at Swift Island, only workshops. During those workshops you get hands-on experience with these topics. So even if you are lucky enough to go to WWDC, Swift Island will be a great way to dive in deeper. Having been to WWDC is not at all a requirement, though. We expect the attendees to have some basic knowledge of what is announced, but we will quickly get you up to speed if you did not find the time to look into it yet.
No. It's happening after it. WWDC usually takes place in June, while Swift Island is the 27th until the 29th of August. You will have some time to rest, catch up, and look forward to a great time on The Netherland's most beautiful island.
Conference tickets to Swift Island are all-inclusive. This means that apart from the conference, you will get accommodation and breakfast for four days, and lunch and dinner during the conference days (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday), and of course a magnificent view.
We are also making sure there's enough bikes for everyone during the conference. And seals, those are also included 😉.
The conference days are the 27th, 28th and 29th of August, the 4 nights of accommodation are the nights around that. We expect everyone to arrive on the 26th of August, have three awesome conference days and leave on the 30th of August. Except if you bought extended accommodation of course.
Kids up until 3 years can visit the conference for free. The reason for this is that there are some travel beds for kids on the venue site. If you have one or more kids that you would like to bring, please contact us via email so we can discuss the options.
For this year we will:
  • Refund the full amount (minus transaction costs) up until 3 months before the conference (Before or on 27th of May 2024)
  • Refund €500 up until 1 month before the conference (27th of May 2024 - 27th of July 2024)
  • From 27h of July 2024 we will not refund.
And you can always transfer your ticket to someone else.
There’s no VAT/BTW rate. We have a special tax rate because we use a 'travel agency arrangement'. More info can be found on the Dutch tax service.
You can just send us an email with the template letter you'd like us to sign and wi'll send it back to you. You can send this to our email.
We are committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity in the tech industry. From the first edition we have had a 50-50 men/women split for mentors. We recognize that underrepresented groups often face barriers to attending conferences and workshops, which is why we are proud to offer a diversity program to those who might not be able to attend Swift Island otherwise.

Our diversity program provides discounted tickets to individuals from underrepresented groups, including but not limited to: women, people of color, individuals with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ people, and those from low-income backgrounds. If you are interested in applying for a diversity ticket for Swift Island, please send us an email describing why you are applicable for a diversity ticket. We value your privacy and will keep all information confidential.

Please note: Our diversity program only offers conference attendance + Hassel-free travel from Schiphol Airport to Texel. If you live abroad getting to the Netherlands via train, plane or other forms of transportation is on your own account and is not covered by our diversity program.

The deadline for submitting your diversity sponsorship is 30th of May 2024.

We have Diversity Sponsorship ❣️ tickets available to help facilitate this program. Would you like to contribute to promoting diversity in a simple way? Purchase a sponsorship ticket now!
If you are travelling from abroad it's best to book your plane or train ticket towards Schiphol Airport (AMS). If you are early you can wait in a lounge we reserved especially for Swift Island attendees and there will be a crew member waiting for you (more details will arrive in your mail after you book a ticket).

From Schiphol we have a coach/bus waiting to take you to Texel where the conference is.

The special Swift Island Hassle-free bus leaves from Schiphol:
Monday 26th of August: 14:30h - Arrival at Texel 17:30h

Departure times from Texel to Schiphol (the are two busses leaving the island, one on Friday and one on Sunday):
Friday 30th of August 8.00h - Arrival at Schiphol 11.30h
Thursday 1st of September 12:00h - Arrival at Schiphol 15.30h

Please take into account when buying a plane ticket that you need to be on time at Schiphol Airport, calculate at lease two hours for checkout from the Airport. So book your ticket accordingly.

Software & Book Sponsors

Our pubquiz is is sponsored by products we love. The creators of these great products were so generous to provide software licenses and books as prizes.

Dim Sum Thinking

Donny Wals

Hacking with Swift

Swiftlee Courses


Code of Conduct

All attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers at our conference are required to agree with the following code of conduct. Organisers will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.

Need Help? Contact Us!

Niels van Hoorn
Twitter: @nvh
Email: [email protected]

Sidney de Koning
Twitter: @sidneydekoning
Email: [email protected]

The Quick Version

All attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers at our conference are required to agree with the following code of conduct. Organisers will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.

Our conference is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organisers.

The Less Quick Version

Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, technology choices, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

Sponsors are also subject to the anti-harassment policy. In particular, sponsors should not use sexualised images, activities, or other material. Booth staff (including volunteers) should not use sexualised clothing/uniforms/costumes, or otherwise create a sexualised environment.

If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the conference organisers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the conference with no refund.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of conference staff immediately. Conference staff can be identified as they'll be wearing branded clothing and/or badges.

Conference staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the conference. We value your attendance.

We expect participants to follow these rules at conference and workshop venues and conference-related social events.